Monday, August 20, 2007

Hundeführerschein = Dog Driver's License

If you have a dog, or are thinking of getting one, then you will need to learn about the Hundeführerschein. It isn't a license to allow your dog to chauffeur you around, but simply a dog owner's license. However, as you may have already experienced, in Germany this is not as simple as one might think. Unlike in the US (let me know if this is different in other states), where a dog license is a very simple registration process, in Germany you really have to go through a test.

The license certifies that you, the person walking the dog, are certified for this complex activity. The test is to see if you understand how to handle your dog in every day situations and to ensure that your dog won't endanger other people or dogs. The license is required by the owner and also anyone else who wants to walk your dog.

The test takes about 2 1/2 hours and is comprised of a practical and theoretical test. In the practical test, you will be exposed to every day situations. In the theoretical part, you will answer forty questions about handling and caring for your dog.

Additionally, you should consider having a tracking chip implanted in your dog by a veterinarian. In some parts of Germany, this is a legal requirement, but it may become a national requirement. The chip allows dogs that are found stray to be identified and connected with their owners. This became a big issue a while back when a small boy was killed by a dog. Now it may be that dogs found without chips will be put down.

Implanting a chip costs about 35 Euros and has no negative effects on the dog. The chip itself is about the size of a grain of rice and sits neutral in the body.

Martina added a good point of clarification. The license is only required for owner's of certain types of dogs. This is intended to reduce the potential danger that certain dogs can pose.


Martina said...

To clarify things, you don't need a Hundeführerschein to own a dog, you only need one if the dog you want to own is on the list of "dangerous" dogs, i.e. Kampfhunde (the list has a big official sounding name that escapes me right now.)

Anybody can get a plain ol' poodle, German shepherd, dachshund, or whatever, without going through any kind of testing process.

Oh and if you have a dog on "the list" you have to pay more taxes for it than for "regular" dogs. Dog tax varies from city to city; where I live it's 36 Euros per year.

It's also advisable to have Hundehalterhaftpflichtversicherung (this is the land of big long words) to cover any damages your dog might do to a third party.

Unknown said...

Ok,so you only need one for the ones that are on list. ok where is that list and where do you go to register the dog?

Führerschein said...

Wie kann ich in Deutschland einen Führerschein kaufen. whatsapp..+351937347535

Lizenzklasse b ( Kaufen
Motorradführerschein ( Webseite Haben Sie in der Fahrschule wiederholt durchgefallen oder haben Sie Angst vor Prüfungen?
Sie haben eine MPU-Bestellung in Deutschland oder haben Ihren Führerschein aufgrund von Alkohol- und Drogenmissbrauch verloren? Wir haben die Lösung für Sie, wir können Ihnen innerhalb von 4-5 Werktagen einen neuen registrierten und rechtmäßigen Führerschein zur Verfügung stellen.
Wir sind Experten mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Herstellung von datenbankregistrierten Führerscheinen, wir erstellen und registrieren Dokumente in der Datenbank der Regierung, Wir bieten nur originale hohe Qualitäten des echten EU-Führers
Lizenz. whatsapp..+351937347535
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